
Chemical peel is a solution applied to the face to remove dead skin cells and stimulate the growth of new cells. The aim is to improve the appearance of the skin. Overall, there is no age requirement for receiving chemical peel.

Chemical peel causes controlled peeling of a part or the entire upper layer of skin or epidermis, with or without the deeper layer of the skin or dermis leading to exfoliation and removal of superficial layer of skin followed by regeneration of new layer of skin. The process begins within 24 hours and usually complete in 5-10 days.

The major advantages of chemical peels are:
  • The quickness of the procedure
  • Relatively low cost
  • Unparalleled therapeutic flexibility due to the wide variety of chemical peeling agents available

They are typically performed on the face and neck. Chemical peels can be combined with other cosmetic procedures as well. The result is an improved clinical appearance of the skin and more youthful appearance.

Currently, a number of categories of chemical peeling agents are available for skin rejuvenation. When used in proper setting and appropriate technique, nearly all these products have proven successful in improving quality and appearance of facial skin.

The indications for the peel are pigmentary disorders like melasma, post inflammatory hyperpigmentation, freckles or lentiginies, facial melanosis, or periorbital pigmentation.

The Indications Related to Acne

Cell damage & Cancer

Comedonal acne or white and black heads

Anti Inflammation

Acne vulgaris - mild, moderate

Liver and Brain health

Acne excoriee

Immune function

Post-acne pigmentation

May Prevent aging

Superficial acne scars

Depending upon the conditions, the peels are chosen. Superficial peels can be done every 4 weeks for at least 4 to 6 sessions. Deep peels can be done once in a year. Before chemical peels, the patients should undergo skin conditioning or priming for better penetration of the peels.

Frequently Asked Questions

1 What if I don’t peel after chemical peel?

Your skin doesn’t need to peel for the chemical peel as exfoliation and healing process happens at a cellular level and this doesn’t always require external peeling.

2 Does chemical peel have side effects?

Side effects are temporary and may include redness, dryness, stinging and mild swelling.

3 How many chemical peels are safe?

Peels once per month (superficial peels) are safe however results may last up to 2 months.

4 How to know if a chemical peel is working?

Your skin should begin to look and feel normal.

5 Are chemical peels permanent

No, results are not permanent.